The simplest way to live is by being truthful to your Self at every moment.........There is no higher devotion than carrying and following the ways of truth........Within the spiritual heart is the essence of purity..........It is that purity that shall take you to the expansive consciousness where the glimpses of the Eternal will be seen and experienced beyond any word that can ever describe...........
Why must you think how to be... You already are... It is the thought that is creating the illusion of you being different than what you are and always will be...Do not spend your time in thoughts...........Instead dive deep within and realize the wonders that the spirit holds within..........One finds joy when there is nothing to hide..........nothing to keep...........It is the heart that is filled with love that reaches the highest truth through the most simplest and pure thought........... Why do you fear? You can face anything that comes your way........Nothing is too difficult...............nothing is impossible...........Perfection is only an illusion that the mind paints.........There is no perfect perfect times...........You are to believe in who you really are…not in what you think you are and what you think you can be! The one that is lit with the fire of wisdom fears not the dark clouds......
Spend your time in realizing what God gave to you without your asking and offer your gratitude moment to moment for His protection and timely Grace... Pray to God saying to Him, "Lord, I ask You even though I fully know that You know best... I ask You to save me from the fear and doubts that make me come before You to ask... I pray dear God to hear Your voice from within me that says, 'I am with you... I am with you...' That is what matters O Lord... I have come to You to forget what I came to ask You for..." |